Dog snacks

Dog snacks, also known as sweets or treats, are an excellent complement to the diet of our best friends. In addition to being nutritious, these delicacies for our pets can help us enormously in their training stage as a reward for a certain action taken. To use this type of food correctly it is necessary that we know how to identify the enormous amount of canine snacks that there are, their characteristics and for which cases it is convenient to use each of them.

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What is a snack for dogs?

Los snacks para perros o snacks caninos son alimentos que se utilizan para darle un premio o regalo a nuestras mascotas de vez en cuando. No es un tipo de alimento que se suela utilizar en cada una de las comidas que recibe el can, pero si un buen complemento. لعبة قمار اون لاين Mayoritariamente son utilizados para apremiar a nuestra mascota cuando tiene un buen comportamiento o hace caso a alguna orden que le hemos solicitado. Es así como el perro asocia determinada conducta o acción con la recompensa y logramos resultados muchas veces sorprendentes por el uso de este tipo de incentivos.

Canine snacks are also often used to control the dental cleaning of our puppies, to strengthen their immune system, can contribute to reducing their weight and even to control anxiety.

For these reasons, if you have never used dog snacks, it is a very good idea to start taking them into account. Not only because your dogs will love it, but they will also be able to get amazing results in terms of their training and well-being from our best friend.

How many snacks can I give my dog?

Although we have mentioned that snacks can bring many benefits for our dogs, there is a reality. We must not abuse the use of them. We must guarantee that if we are going to use snacks for our puppies we will control their consumption in a responsible and healthy way. If we abuse dog snacks we can have two complications: on the one hand, our pet gets used to these snacks and no longer sees it as a reward, but as a normal food. This will not be a positive reinforcement to encourage our dog to comply with certain orders. Second, we can alter your weight just like anyone who eats excessively and without control. اسرار ماكينة القمار

What is the ideal snack for my dog?

Elegir el snack ideal para nuestros cachorros dependerá del can del cual estemos hablando. Debemos tener en consideración algunos datos para poder seleccionar el correcto. العاب المال En primer lugar la edad del perro; existen snacks para perros cachorros, para perros ancianos y para perros adultos y eso vamos a tener que considerarlo. En segundo lugar vamos a tener en cuenta si nuestra mascota tiene una posible alergia alimentaria, si tiene problemas dentales, de sobrepeso o si esta atravesando momentos de ansiedad. Existen snacks que se adaptan a cualquier tipo de problemas de salud o digestivo que pueda tener un can.

Dog snacks

Next we will mention the different types of snacks that there are with some characteristics of them. These supplements for both puppies and adult and elderly dogs are not only rewards, but also help us with some problems that our dog may have, thus helping us with the same day-to-day care.

Puppy snacks

When dogs are very young, they are usually prone to some complications in their digestive system because they have not fully developed it. It is for this reason that a snack that is very greasy could hurt them. Also the teeth that are coming out can become another factor to take into account since if the snack is too hard or crunchy it could make their gums hurt.

The snacks for puppy dogs have the particularity of being soft, easy to digest and not having a high fat content.

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Snacks for dogs with allergies

When our best friend has allergenic problems it is a great complication to find foods that suit him. Although many dog owners choose not to go out of line in terms of the food they give to their pets due to the complications in the skin or intestinal tract that these generate, there are some options in terms of snacks that are perfectly adapted to these cases.

Hypoallergenic snacks are the perfect complement for those dogs that suffer from this type of condition since they are composed of hydrolyzed proteins that facilitate digestion and prevent possible allergic reactions.

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Snacks for anxious dogs

Dogs, like humans, can suffer from anxiety. This generally happens when their owners have to leave their homes and leave them alone for various reasons. Go to work, to study or other possible reasons. When these things happen, our pets generate such anguish that many times they channel it with crying and many others causing damage within the home.

A good alternative to be able to treat these events is to leave snacks in various places in the house, so our dog entertains himself looking for them and at a certain point he forgets that he is alone at home. In these cases, it is recommended that the snacks be hard and with a cover. This allows them to spend a greater amount of time biting them and at the same time release the tension caused by separation and loneliness.

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Snacks for dog dental cleaning

There are snacks that are made exclusively to promote the oral cleaning of our dogs. These snacks are made with certain ingredients and with a certain shape that contributes to the cleaning and protection of teeth and gums, avoiding the formation of tartar and the accumulation of bacteria. While our pet bites the snack, it contributes to oral cleaning and healthy teeth.

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Snacks for overweight dogs

If our pet has overweight problems, there are snacks exclusively made so as not to harm it in this regard. They are manufactured using diet products that allow our best friend to be able to ingest one with a certain frequency without impairing his weight loss program or specific diet. They can also become the perfect incentive for our dog to go on long walks knowing that after it his prize will arrive.

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Snacks for elderly dogs

When dogs are elderly, they often have problems with their teeth because they have either lost a tooth or because they have weakened teeth and it hurts to chew or bite. For this reason, you have to be very careful when selecting the right snack and avoid those that are very hard and robust.

It is recommended to select those snacks suitable for elderly dogs that are generally soft for their teeth and low in calories because very adult dogs do not perform as much physical activity. One recommendation is that we do not give our elderly dog snacks very often. They must be given in very special moments.

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