Choosing the right food for our dogs is vital to maintain their well-being. Today, in the market there is an immense variety of foods of different types, qualities, brands and characteristics. In this guide we will mention all those wet feed that we consider convenient to give to our pet. Among the contents of this note you can find recommendations and expert opinions on the various types of wet feed. What are the ideals according to the age of our dog or possible dental and digestive problems. We have also developed a section in which we mention the benefits of this type of food.
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Wet food for elderly dogs
Selecting a good wet feed for our dog, if this is an elderly dog, can help us solve many problems. Elderly dogs tend to eat and drink in smaller quantities. Using a wet food for elderly dogs, we will make your food attract your attention, eat slightly larger amounts and this, being a specific food for elderly dogs, contributes to providing the nutrients it needs and hydrates it more than a dry food. Here we show you some of the best options for these cases.
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Wet food for dogs with dental problems
The wet feed has the advantage of being much easier to process with the teeth of our dogs. If our dog suffers from a dental problem, either because he has lost any of his teeth or because his teeth or gums hurt. For this reason, they usually opt for wet feed, since they are softer and can be eaten easily. Here you can see some good options.
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Wet food for dogs with digestive problems
The wet feed also contributes to those dogs that have digestive problems. By having a large proportion of water, this greatly facilitates the digestion of our pets. Here we show you some of the best options for these cases.
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Wet food for dogs with diseases
Hay una gran cantidad de piensos húmedos que se ajustan a diversas necesidades de nuestros perros. Hay piensos húmedos bajos en grasa, para perros con problemas renales, con problemas de diabetes, etc. اون لاين روليت A continuación les enseñamos algunas de las mejores opciones para estos casos.
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Wet food for puppy dogs
Puppies have very small, fine teeth that, in addition to not being strong, often bother them when they just start to emerge. For these reasons it is convenient to use wet feed when the teeth are just beginning to emerge. Here are some recommendations for these cases.
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What is wet feed?
The wet feed can be found in various formats. We can find them in cans, sachets or bags, there is semi-humid feed and there is also the possibility that the moistened food is made by ourselves.
Wet food in cans or sachets is the industrial one that we can find in any supermarket. With regard to this type of wet feed, we always recommend buying the one that comes in plastic bags or sachets, since there are always many doubts about whether the food that comes in cans is good for our dog.
With regard to semi-humid feed, this consists of a mixture of pieces of some type of meat mixed with a kind of broth or pate in some cases. Dogs find it exquisite and when the food we choose is of quality it provides an excellent level of nutrients and protein. When the quality of these foods is not good or is doubtful, we recommend at least checking that the packaging says that it is formulated only with a protein source.
The last option is to use dry feed and moisten those croquettes with water or even with some broth or food made by us. There are broths to moisten the croquettes that provide high levels of nutrients, but it is also an excellent option for us to make the food supplement at home
Benefits of wet feed
There are several advantages and benefits that wet feed can provide our dogs. Of course, we must bear in mind that for this, it is very important to select quality feed. Among the benefits of wet feed we can mention:
- Our dogs will find it tastier than dry food: Wet feed tends to have a much stronger aroma than dry feed. This characteristic generates a greater attraction in almost all dogs since they use their sense of smell a lot when eating food. As a final result, we will have a food that is much tastier. كازينو الكويت
- The wet feed is hydrating: Quality wet feed contains a higher percentage of water in each portion. This characteristic ends up contributing and providing our dog with a higher dose of water.
- It is easier for our dog to digest: The wet feed, being a food that contains a greater amount of water, is softer. This particularity makes it much easier for dogs to digest food. It requires less effort from the digestive system to process what is ingested.
- Lean formulation: There is a huge amount of wet feed that meets the requirements of each dog in particular. There are low-fat wet food, wet food for puppies, wet food for dogs with kidney problems. This guarantees that the feed that we choose adapts perfectly to the diet that our pet requires and provides the corresponding proportions of nutrients that it needs.
When should I give my dog wet food?
There are many situations in the life of our dogs in which it is usually more beneficial to feed them with wet feed instead of using dry feed. We will list the most frequent ones:
- Elderly dogs: As for the age of the dog, wet food can be beneficial for both puppy dogs and elderly dogs. As dogs reach old age, they begin to eat and drink less. They also tend to be more prone to digestive and stomach problems. By providing them with moist food we will make, as we have mentioned previously, the food tastier and they will have a greater will to eat more food. At the same time, providing a greater amount of hydration will promote their digestion.
- Puppy dogs: When dogs are puppies we must bear in mind that they come from a diet based on breast milk. A food that does not require any kind of effort to be digested or ingested. They also have very small, fine teeth that are not strong enough and at the same time they bother and hurt when they start to grow. Taking into account all this that we mentioned, it is often more convenient to start feeding our pet with a wet feed for its first months of life. Then, little by little, supplement with dry feed.
- Dog dental problems: When our dog suffers from some kind of complication in his teeth and it is impossible for him to chew his food. This may be because you have lost a tooth or because it causes pain when chewing. The wet feed can be a very good alternative to achieve comfort in food intake.
- Certain pathologies: Veterinarians often recommend a wet feed diet to support certain medical treatments. The most frequent pathologies are gastrointestinal problems, where wet feed facilitates digestion. They are also often used when a dog has obesity or diabetes problems, since there are wet feed with a low percentage of fat and carbohydrate control that favors health. Less frequent there are epilepsy problems where foods rich in vitamins and fatty acids are applied, which considerably reduce dog seizures due to their contribution of vitamins B1 and folic acid. لعبة بلاك جاك اون لاين مجانا