
In this article you will find all the relevant information about the Schnauzers, a breed of dog that emerged in Germany and is very popular all over the world. We will tell you everything you need to know to adopt and raise a Schnauzer in the best way. Their physical characteristics, the history of the breed, their temperament, uses of the breed, possible diseases, life expectancy, general care and much more.

How was the Schnauzer breed created?

As the name denotes, this breed originated in Germany. However, today there is a great debate about the mix of what breeds and what were the circumstances that gave rise to the Schnauzer that we all know today.

An important point to clarify is that there is no single or written record based on the origin and history of this breed. So this leads us to say that no one can assure when neither how the Schnauzer breed originated. Anyway, there is enough information and evidence that this medium-sized dog emerged around the 14th and 15th centuries.

Thinking back over these centuries, we can clearly define that a working dog was sought. Which should have the characteristics of agile, medium and versatile to adapt to any circumstance. So it was not a dog that only accompanied its masters farmers and merchants on the incredible trips they made; if not, he was also a faithful defender of his loads and was able to keep vermin away.

In many places it is believed and estimated that the first Schnauzer was bred by crossing the Pinscher wire-haired, the gray wolfspitz Y German black poodle.

How did the name "Schnauzer" come about?

According to history, it is said that in 1879 the "International German Exhibition" was held for the third time. At this event, three wire-haired pinschers were presented and curiously the winning dog bore the name "Schnauzer", giving rise to the name of this medium-sized breed. Over time, all the dogs of this peculiar breed were recognized by the name of schnauzers.

Schnauzer perro

What does the word Schnauzer mean?

The meaning of the word Schnauzer comes from the term "schnauze", a German term that means snout, and refers to the main characters that most identify it, their whiskers, which stand out in the trunks of all the specimens of this breed. So you could say that the meaning of schnauzer means moustached snout.

What types of Schnauzer are there?

How is the Schnauzer dog breed?

If your intention is to know what your Schnauzer breed dog that you plan to adopt will be like or you want to know if your Schnauzer is purebred and meets all the general guidelines established in contests and competitions, then we will determine each of the омгомг details and variants that a dog of this breed must meet. We will start by detailing the physical characteristics of these beautiful dogs and then the main features of their behavior, character and personality.

Schnauzer raza

What is the body of the Schnauzers like?

The Schnauzer is a dog that has a square-built body since it has practically the same proportions both in length and in height and has a slim appearance at all. Its neck is solid and strong, it has a notable arch and it has no dewlap. As for the legs, the hindquarters and forequarters are very straight and have a good articular angle, their feet are short and circular in shape and the toes are well arched and compressed. Its back is short, strong and slightly arched and descending, its tail is set high and carried erect. In many countries, an amputation of the fourth vertebra is still allowed, an action not recommended due to the problems that it can cause in the animal. His belly is tucked up and his elbows are close to his body.

What is the head of a Schnauzer like?

The Schnauzer's head is elongated and gradually descends to its nose. They have a defined stop. The eyes are oval, the lips are tightly set in black, and the ears are set high on either side of the head. Its nasal bridge is straight and parallel to the upper part of the skull. They have a scissor bite.

What is the coat like and what colors are the Schnauzers?

The Schnauzer's coat is hard, thick, rough, and stiff. They have a very long mustache as well as their beard and eyebrows. The hair in the area of the skull and ears is considerably shorter than in the rest of the body. The area of the body where they have the longest hair is in the beard, mustache and eyebrows.

Los colores más valorados en los Schnauzer son el que presenta un manto negro zaino o aquel denominado como sal y pimienta que es una mezcla de colores negro y gris. Cuando el ejemplar es sal y pimienta puede presentar diversas tonalidades, desde gris acero hasta gris plata, con máscara preferiblemente negra. لعبة قمار اون لاين Ojos y trufa siempre negras.

What is the size of an adult Schnauzer?

A very common question is: How much does an adult Schnauzer weigh? Before having one. The weight of this breed ranges from 14 kilograms to 17 kilograms for females and between 15 kilograms and 20 kilograms for males. Their height varies between 45 centimeters and 50 centimeters, both for males and females. In any case, it is best to go to the vet to find out how your dog could become.

How to know if a Schnauzer is purebred?

To detect if a Schnauzer puppy is pure, the following characteristics will have to be carefully observed:

  • Size: the proportion and height of the puppy is important, it must have a weight and height in proportion (10-25 kg and 45-55 cm).
  • Fur: hair is another feature to consider. It usually falls on the head and the rest of the body. He can often cover his eyes and he also has a pronounced beard.
  • Colors: black, white, silver and salt and pepper are purebred. Any dog that strays to those shades has reason to think the probability that it is mongrel.
  • Character: the pure breed has a strong and very well marked personality. It is a very loyal and self-confident dog. It is not a very sociable dog, so you should work that with other dogs or individuals that are not your relatives.

How many fingers does a Schnauzer have?

Both the Schnauzer and the common one of all dogs, usually has 5 toes on the front legs and 4 on the back.

However, the legs are not only composed of bones, but also have skin, tendons, ligaments, blood and connective tissues. The five parts that make up the paws of dogs are: claws or nails, finger pads, metacarpal pad, spur or inner finger, and the carpal pad.

Schnauzer mediano

Schnauzers temperament

To describe the general temperament of a breed, as we do in all of our notes, we will divide the temperament into two sections. On the one hand the character of the dog and on the other its daily behavior. This helps us to better determine the points to be covered in each item and will make it easier for you to read and find the information.

What is the character of a Schnauzer like?

The Schnauzer has a well-defined character. Very temperament and intelligent. They are animals that usually bark a lot and make excellent watchdogs. Very dynamic, awake one hundred percent who tend to have greater difficulties adapting to new humans than to new pets. Very faithful and close to his master, so much so that he becomes a super dependent dog on his family, they love to learn what, added to his level of intelligence, makes the learning processes fast.

How does a Schnauzer behave?

As we said before, the Schnauzer is a dog that tends to have greater difficulties adapting to new humans that appear in its life more than to new pets. With other pets or dogs he will fit in perfectly, especially if he has had a correct socialization process. On the other hand, with those humans he sees for the first time, he is usually somewhat shy, distant and it will be difficult for him to accept it. It is a dog that when he gains confidence with his family and friends of the family that he frequently sees is super affectionate and friendly. With children he will always be protective and patient.

Como cuidar el pelo de un Schnauzer

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How often should I brush and groom my Schnauzer?

Schnauzers usually require two or three visits a year to the groomer. They are dogs whose hair grows a lot and also are not very tolerant of heat. They tend to lose some hair, so it is recommended that you brush them at least once a week.

To dust the Schnauzer's hair, it is advisable to use scissors and do it manually, although you can also use a little razor that is not very sharp. The ear canals should be checked and excess hair removed in those areas and the animal's pads should also be checked. Use the comb regularly for your beard, mustache and eyebrow area and keep your nails short. The beard and mustache area are the ones that get the most dirty because they are usually stained with food.

We recommend the following brush, which is of excellent quality, very practical and covers all the Schnauzer's needs. In addition, we also offer you a very easy-to-use nail clipper that includes a protection system, so that you do not over-cut your dog's nails.

How do you train a Schnauzer dog?

Schnauzers are easy to train, they are intelligent, they are willing to learn and they do it relatively quickly. It is not a dog that presents problems to be trained and it is highly recommended for beginners. If you have confidence in your master, the training process will go even faster and you will follow whatever order he gives you with ease.

Bear in mind that repetitive training can bore them so it is recommended to constantly change routines. They respond very well to raised tone and fair training. It is very important that the puppy is socialized so that it can approach other people, since if it does not do so, they tend to be somewhat withdrawn and distrustful.

Schnauzer standar

How to feed my Schnauzer dog?

Both the feeding of a Schnauzer as for any other dog, whether of breed or mongrel, must be balanced. So we leave you some tips for a Schnauzer dog to grow up healthy and strong.

It is possible to give the Schnauzer natural food, in any case it is best to feed it based on feed, that is, balanced food for dogs. Depending on its size, you should buy food for a puppy, medium dog or adult dog.

There is a belief that the Schnauzer cannot drink milk, and it is true. So avoiding giving this dairy will be the best. In any case, an adult dog of this breed will tolerate it, the best thing to do if it lacks calcium is to give it yogurt or cheese. Likewise, always before giving something to the dog, we recommend taking it to the veterinarian who are specialists in the care of these pets and quite possibly give them powdered milk for these dogs.

The most advisable thing is to be able to give balanced pet food of a high quality or at least a good one. Even if they are more expensive, this will allow better nutrition and will be noticed in the shine of their coat and energy due to the quality of the raw material they use in their production.

A recommendation is to establish a certain amount of food per day to divide in two times; Since the Schnauzer is a very gluttonous dog, otherwise it will be asking for food constantly, or eating the entire ration of the day only once.

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The importance of water for the Schnauzer

The amount of water is not necessary to divide it, since in this sense this breed knows how to divide it. It is a dog that will take what is necessary, but you always have to be aware that the water is clean and fresh for the dog. If you must be away for a reasonably long time, it is important to have a drinking fountain that will allow your pet to have fresh water for many hours.

How much should a Schnauzer exercise?

Schnauzers don't need a lot of exercise. They require the normal for any dog of their size, about 40 minutes a day on average.

They love to be busy, they like swimming, running, playing in the yard, catching objects, running around on or off leash. Inside the home, they are generally quiet and perfectly suited to urban life.

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ejercitar a un schnauzer

How long do Schnauzers live?

This breed has an approximate life expectancy of between 12 and 16 years. The importance of correct eating habits and adequate exercise will make your Schnauzer grow and develop strong and healthy. It is generally a breed that luckily has excellent health and very little chance of getting a hereditary disease.

Luckily the Schnauzer is a breed with few diseases, however, if an alteration in the hip is noticed, it is best to visit the vet more constantly. This is important as one of the most common diseases of the Schnauzer breed is hip dysplasia.

What are the most common diseases in Schnauzers?

Los Schnauzers, como todas las razas de perros, son propensos a contraer determinadas enfermedades o problemas físicos por el simple hecho de pertenecer a una raza. كيفية لعب بلاك جاك Si bien son muchas las enfermedades que puede contraer un perro de esta raza, en este apartado detallaremos aquellas que son más frecuentes en estos canes.

Hip dysplasia

Dysplasia is one of the bone diseases most frequently seen in this breed of dog; producing a limp and pain in movement that varies depending on its severity. Dysplasia is a genetic degeneration of the hip joints and this prevents the head of the femur from fitting properly.

Follicular dermatitis

It is a disease that alters the skin of the Schnauzer and produces encapsulation in the follicles. It is very common in this breed and is known as the Schnauzer comedone syndrome. This disease draws your attention as black spots appear on the mid-dorsal line of the dog's back. One way to prevent this is very good hygiene and grooming.

Severe hemorrhagic enteritis

This disease is usually incident in the first years of the dog's life, between 2 and 4 years. The dog begins with significant vomiting and diarrhea. So far the cause of this disease is not well known, however it is estimated that it could be an allergy in the dog's intestine. The most advisable to avoid this disease is a diet control.

schnauzer sal y pimienta

When does my Schnauzer dog stop being a puppy?

Although there is no exact amount of time in which a dog, whatever the breed, stops being a puppy, there is an estimate in time intervals based on its size.

Small breedsAs sausage dogs tend to be, the pug, the chihuahua or the bull dog become adults between 9 and 12 months.

The perrors or races mediatetos like the Border Collie, the English Bull Dog, the Cocker or the Pitbull, they begin their adulthood between 12 and 15 months of age.

Ldogs or breeds big as are he Labrador, he German shepherd or the Boxer stop being puppies between 15 and 18 months.

The giant races Dogs such as the Great Dane or the Saint Bernard reach maturity between 18 and 24 months.

So it is very likely that larger dogs are puppies and playful for longer.

Why is it necessary to know when a dog stops being a puppy?

It is of utmost importance since based on this it is essential to change the dog's diet, whatever its breed. It is important and vital to the health of schnauzers that they transition from a puppy to an adult dog diet at this stage in their life. By changing the diet of our Schnauzer we will be guaranteeing that it will receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins to be in optimal conditions.

What uses does the Schnauzer breed have?

It is not often to see Schnauzers in training of dog societies or schools to tell the truth but still, they are great for agility activities, advanced obedience and catching objects on the fly. In addition to this, they are excellent dogs to kill vermin, rats and mice and very good guard dogs.

So the creation of this breed combined the skills of hunting and work in a unique way. In general, the Schnauzer was used as a farm dog for the extermination of rodents and vermin, as we mentioned earlier. On the other hand, without leaving the farm, this breed was widely used for raising cattle and cattle herds while the owner had market trips. However, protecting his family and home was also an important job for this dog.

Curiosities of the schnauzers

Currently the modern Schnauzers and Pinschers do not have many similarities as in the beginning, but they share the same breed descent. The original straight-haired Pinschers were bred to the soft, cute coat of the Miniature Pinscher and current Doberman. However, the pinscher with harder hair was bred to the rough coat of the modern Schnauzer.

Another interesting fact is that the Standard Schnauzer was an excellent guard dog in World War I for the German Army and Red Cross carriers. These dogs were strongly admired and respected by the military because of their bravery, courage and spirit.

Art is an important point to take into account to detect the emergence of this breed. The Schnauzer is represented many times in different artistic works of this time, where they mark a clear beginning. One of these works is located in Mecklenburg, Germany; It is about a 14th century sculpture of a hunter and his faithful companion, a Schnauzer crouching on his feet. Other works of art in which this dog appears several times is in the painted canvases of Albrecht Durer, a beautiful tapestry from approximately 1501, carved by Lucas Cranach.

Something that caught our attention is that from the beginning, there were the Black Schnauzers, and the Salt and Pepper Schnauzers; but today there are other shades such as the white Schnauzer and the silver-black Schnauzer.

In the mid-nineteenth century, German dog breed breeders gave a greater interest to this medium and versatile breed. Thus arising the idea of being able to make different crosses of dogs, thus reaching the well-known Miniature schnauzer, and later the Giant Schnauzer.

How to train a Schnauzer to go to the bathroom?

To educate a Schnauzer dog so that it can relieve itself, we must control the dog's sphincter with a few short but constant steps that will help the animal get used to it and make the appropriate association.

Tips for correct education

  • ScheduleOne of the most important points to consider is to train a Schnauzer to have a set schedule to go to the bathroom. So it is best to choose a time and take it out every day at that time, for example, when you wake up, after eating or before going to sleep. With a set schedule, everything will be easier.
  • Patience: this is a key when training our Schnauzer, since the dog will not learn overnight to go to the bathroom at the time that one establishes. So you have to put effort, care and above all patience.
  • Repetition: it is very important that the command is repetitive for the dog to relieve itself, for example the word say "bath" every time you want your dog to relieve itself. This will help him in the future to understand the order when you tell him repeatedly when he is relieving himself.
  • Stay alert: Observe the behaviors of your Schnauzer to identify when it signals that it wants to go to the bathroom. The most common is when they sniff the ground or move in circles repeatedly. In case you see these behaviors, take your Schnauzer and take him to where you want him to relieve himself. He will understand that he must go to the bathroom there. لعبة اون لاين
  • Mistakes: When training a Schnauzer, they should be aware that there may be some "mistakes" in their potty training. So in case your dog does his business in the "wrong" place, it is important not to hit or yell at him; if not clean needs and get it out to where it should have been. If you do it correctly, it is a good idea to give him a reward, so that he will be encouraged to return to that habit.
tipos de schnauzer

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