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General characteristics of the Schipperke
The Schipperke has a short, stocky body, with a tucked belly and a broad chest. His back is straight although his mane gives the impression that he has slight offspring. Their legs have firm bones, they are small and rounded. In many countries their tails are docked. At the same time, there are a large number of countries where this practice has been prohibited due to the problems that it causes to the animal in the future.
Its head bears a great similarity to that of the fox. The eyes are oval and have a look that gives the impression that the dog is always alert or of a lively expression. Their ears are triangular and straight, their teeth are scissor-shaped.
The average weight of Schipperkes is between 5 kilograms and 8 kilograms in males and between 3 kilograms and 5 kilograms in females. As for its height, it is between 25 and 30 centimeters. روليت عربي
The coat of these dogs is made up of smooth, hard and abundant hair that is longer in the area near the neck and on the part of their hind legs. The fur in the area of the head, ears and front legs is usually noticeably shorter.
The color of this breed is generally black with a nose or nose of the same color. The eyes tend to be very dark as well.
Temperament and personality of the breed
Schipperke are characterized by their great agility, for being very confident and self-confident dogs and for their high degree of energy. Being a breed that among its original functions fulfilled roles such as chasing vermin on the one hand and guarding on the other, it is normal that among the outstanding characteristics of these dogs one of them is that they are always alert. His level of intelligence is high, which combined with his great speed and agility made him an excellent dog for chasing and hunting vermin.
Its coat is quite thick and hard, which makes it suitable to withstand a wide variety of climates and not have, like other breeds, problems of adaptability to various environments. You can feel comfortable in the countryside as in a house in the middle of the city.
The Schipperke is brave, vigilant, fearless, and barking. It is a territorial animal so it is not common for them to tend to escape or try to explore beyond what they consider their territory. Another attribute for which it is usually recognized is for its degree of loyalty with its closest members. كازينو 888
As for living together as a family, he usually gets along well with all the members of the family, living with other animals is not difficult, although if these are small it will be important that the dog knows them since he is a puppy (take into account in this aspect, it has been a breed that was dedicated to hunting vermin), otherwise it will spend a good part of the day chasing them. When the Schipperke gets used to living with them and realizes that their owners do not like being disturbed by their other pets, they will begin to behave in a more appropriate way.
Most dogs of this breed get along extremely well with children. Regarding the visits that the home receives, it is normal that at the beginning they keep their distance and with time and frequent visits they get closer and closer.
Images of various Schipperke specimens
Schipperke do not require great care when it comes to grooming. Like all dogs, and depending on the activities they carry out with their owners, a warm bath will be necessary once every two or three months approximately and a weekly brushing will be more than enough to extract the remains of hair that the animal is shedding. . Take into account the areas of your body where you have the longest hair, which are those that, when brushing, will require more attention. In molting times it is advisable to increase to two weekly brushings.
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Training the Schipperke
Being an animal with an intelligence above the average of dogs, the Schipperke does not require having a very experienced trainer or expert on the subject. You will easily learn to behave inside the home as the owners intend if the teachings are marked. Related to training, one of the things that may be more difficult for their owners to control is their barking. It is a very barking breed and it tends to take a long time for its owners to get the animal to control its barking.
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Schipperke exercise
Los Schipperke son una raza que necesita de un tiempo de ejercitación elevado. Esto se debe a que son muy activos y nerviosos. بوكر اون لاين حقيقي Lo que se recomienda para estos canes es que además de sacarlos a pasear de forma diaria, se los deje libre, si es posible en un lugar extenso para que corran y jueguen un tiempo razonable (1 hora o hora y media debería bastar). Controlar esos tiempos si las temperaturas son elevadas. Un ejercicio que le suele gustar a la mayoría de los perros de esta raza es cuando les tiran cosas y se las devuelven a sus amos. Lo ideal para sus amos sería tener una plaza cercana o un patio extenso.
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Schipperke Puppy Photographs
Uses of the breed
According to the FCI, the function of this breed is to "kill vermin" and as a "guard dog". Based on this statement given by the International Canine Federation and which lets us see the history of the breed itself, the Schipperke is a farm or field dog. Specialist in chasing and hunting vermin and other small animals. It is also a dog that usually announces to visitors and is ideal for owners who have a high degree of activity. In dog sports they respond very well to agility and obedience games.
Additional details about the breed
There are many people who believe that the Schipperke is a watercraft dog. This error is due to the name of the breed since "Ship" in English means embarking or embarking. The reality is that it is believed that the original name comes from the Flemish "Scheperke" and means shepherd dog.