

Origins of the Samoyed dog breed

The Samoyed dog breed takes this name from a group of nomadic peoples located in northern Russia. These peoples were precisely known as Samoyed peoples and they bred this breed for herding and to carry sleds. Many members of these tribes used these dogs to warm themselves at night by sleeping next to them.

The Samoyed, also known in Europe as Bjelkier, changed its name to "Nenets" after the Russian revolution. When they took specimens of this canine to different parts of the world, mainly Europe and the United States, this breed kept its original name.

This breed was used by many explorers who wanted to explore cold lands. The case of Fridjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer and scientist is very striking. He used this breed of dog to explore very cold northern lands as he believed that the only way to explore these lands was using cold-resistant and trailing dogs. His expedition was unsuccessful.

On the other hand, another Norwegian, Roald Amundsen, had better results in his expeditions. He used a Samoyed to lead the group of dogs that he used on his visit to the South Pole and they became the first expedition to reach the South Pole.

According to DNA analysis carried out by a group of scientists, this breed is considered one of the fourteen oldest breeds of dogs that exist on earth today. Other breeds that are included in this ranking are the Siberian Husky, he Alaskan malamute and the Chow chow.

It is estimated that the Samoyed has been raised and trained by man for more than 3000 years.

Character and personality

The Samoyed is a very sociable and playful dog. This makes it a poorly recommended dog to be used as a guard dog. However, being an animal that tends to bark too much, it could be considered a good watchdog.

He is outgoing and faithful, and if well socialized he is an excellent dog for young children and other animals. They are usually very energetic and even tend to behave like young dogs all their lives, even with advanced age.

They are often difficult dogs to train so a great deal of patience and perseverance is required to achieve the owner's goals.

Remember that it is a dog that had long been used to pull sleds, so it must be borne in mind that it is a dog that, if it has not been trained accordingly, will pull its owner with the leash whenever it wants and it will be very difficult to do. the walks. In this link We give you the best tips so that your dog does not pull on the leash.

They enjoy being included in family activities and can be destructive or noisy if left alone, bored, or poorly educated. They are great excavators, so it is necessary to reinforce the security of the gardens.

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Samoyed breed dogs:

Recommended exercise for a Samoyed

These dogs need too much exercise. Because they are difficult to train, it is recommended that they exercise on a leash in their first months of life and then, little by little, try the exercise without a leash to see how the animal responds. They have a natural tendency to pull on the leash and also have a lot of strength so at first it will be a difficult task for their owner. It should begin by training it so that it can walk or jog alongside its owner without complications and over time gradually release it. An adult Samoyed needs approximately two to three hours of daily exercise.

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First steps of the Samoyed

The big question from first-time users of a Samoyed is: What are the first steps like? Do they adapt quickly to the home? How do I teach them to relieve themselves in the right place?

Pues bien, vamos a responderlas todas. لعبة جاك Lo primero a tener en cuenta, es que tanto si obtienen un cachorro recién destetado, como si adoptan un ejemplar adulto, le va a llevar tiempo adaptarse y es imposible saber cuanto. Pero será mucho más rápido para el perro, si tu y tu familia le brindan amor y le tienen paciencia. Es fundamental evitar los retos negativos, ya que estos pueden influir en el carácter y la sensibilidad del animal.

Hay que tratar siempre de que las ordenes sean claras y, si es posible, darle algún tipo de premio (una felicitación, un juguete, una chuchería canina). لعبة الروليت اون لاين Se requiere de mucha paciencia, mucha, toda la que puedan darle, por que si el perro nota que tu estas enojado o frustrado con él, repercutirá negativamente en su adaptación. En cuanto a como enseñarle a hacer sus necesidades, nosotros recomendamos utilizar toallas de entrenamiento canino, que son muy útiles y ayudan a que nuestra mascota aprenda más rápido. Les dejamos la siguiente nota: canine training towels, in which we explain how they work step by step.

We also leave you here the review of the training towels, for those who think about purchasing them.

Nutrition and diet of the Samoyed

Samoyeds can be prone to bloating and stomach problems. To avoid these problems it is recommended to feed him in reduced portions but increasing the frequency. You have to control the type of food that is given to this animal since there have been cases in which allergies occur with some types of balanced food.

Samoyeds, despite being large in size, are not dogs with a great appetite, so on many occasions, to preserve health and correct nutrient intake, it is advisable to mix balanced food or feed with meat juices or bacon fat. This will help the animal eat everything that is given to it on the plate.

Avoid giving him bones as over time these could perforate his intestine

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Esta raza necesita mucho atención respecto al mantenimiento y aseo de su pelaje. Si se lo peina de forma diario podrán mantener su pelaje en condiciones durante períodos de tiempo más prolongados. كيف تربح في الكازينو Esto evitará que se le creen nudos en sus pelos y que se le acumule pelo. Si bien se recomienda cepillarlo diariamente, es importante y necesario, una vez por semana hacer uno de esos cepillados con más profundidad.

A bath every one or two months plus brushing is enough for the dog to be in optimal condition. It is recommended to frequent the baths more and that they be with warm water when the dog is in the molting season. In cold countries, Samoyeds shed their fur once a year in spring or summer. However, modern houses with heating and in countries with temperatures that are not low are likely to move it a couple of times a year. Males have a longer coat than females.

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We provide you with all the necessary products for your Samoyed to have a correct grooming. First of all, an excellent quality brush, the best-selling brush in its field. Not only is it very easy to use but it also provides very good results, totally recommended. Secondly, a shedding brush, the famous "Furminator" that is increasingly in demand on the market. Its quality is assured, it has the best references from users who have already purchased it. And finally, we offer you a professional nail clipper that includes a system that prevents you from cutting too much, thus preserving the health of your pet. It is very resistant and cuts even the toughest nails. It is also very economical. A real pass.

Health and possible diseases of the Samoyed

The main inherited disease that the Samoyed can suffer from is a condition in the kidneys called Hereditary Glomerulopathy. The disease is caused by a defective recessive allele linked to the X chromosome, so the disease is usually more severe in males than in females. Females with this problem develop very mild symptoms after three months of age but do not go on to develop kidney failure.

Other problems that dogs of this breed can suffer are various hereditary eye problems and hip dysplasia that in the long run causes mobility problems. An examination of the hip and eyes of this canine is very important to improve its quality of life.

Pictures of Samoyeds puppies

Below you will be able to see pictures of Samoyeds. They are all puppies that do not exceed 7 months of age.

5 thoughts on “Samoyedo”


    • Luis, thank you very much for leaving us your comment. 😀 We send you a big hug for you and your puppy! Greetings

  2. Very good article, my Samoyed is about to turn 10 years old and he has been with me since he was 6 weeks old, I just do not agree that it is a breed that barks a lot like small breeds do because my dog does not bark except on specific occasions for On the contrary, I can say that he snores a lot.


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