The Puli breed of dogs, also known as Pulik or Hungarian Puli; They are small to medium sized dogs but with a lot of energy to give to the family and extremely affectionate. They are very loyal dogs that come from Hungary. They were also used as a Shepherd dog and a Police dog from the beginning but they are world-renowned for their long coat or laced fur simulating dreadlocks. In this article we will answer the question, What is a Puli breed dog like? stopping in different aspects such as its history, physical characteristics and temperament and the essential care for this breed of dog in case you want one or already have it. Also at the end of this article, you will be able to read a curiosity of this very interesting breed.
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History and origin of Puli
The ancestors of this peculiar breed could be originally from Tibet, it is believed that there is a connection between the Puli and the Tibetan Terrier. Although this theory is not confirmed, it is the most accepted by specialists.
However, this breed has been around for over a thousand years and has its origin in Hungary. At first it was used as a guardian of sheep along with other breeds such as the Komondor.
Their fur has the particularity that it is waterproof, providing it with good protection against the cold, a characteristic that makes it particularly valuable in some regions where the climate is harsher. In spring, it is sheared, like sheep, to keep them cool until summer. .
Physical characteristics of the Puli breed
The Puli breed of dogs are very active, energetic and intelligent dogs and they love to do different activities. According to the FCI classification they are in Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Within section 1: Sheepdogs. Do not be fooled by the strips of hair and their fur, since they can be categorized in the size of small breed dogs; since they do not exceed 15 Kilograms. However, it can sometimes be considered medium for some specimens. اربح المال من الالعاب
Puli body
Puli breed dogs are dogs that belong to the category of medium breeds. They have a body in which their neck stands out, muscular and long with a smooth curve towards their upper line. The thorax of these dogs is arched, they have a slightly tucked belly and a medium length with a straight upper line.
The legs of the Pulis are straight with a very good articular angle with rounded and firm feet. The tail of the Pulis is curved and upwards giving the impression that it ascends from the rump.
Puli head
The head of the specimens of this breed is small and rounded, their muzzle is smaller than that of their skull and they have a straight nasal bridge. The stop is well visible.
The ears are in the shape of a "V" well pointed, wide at the base and ending in the shape of an arrow. The implantation of the same is high and they remain hanging. As for the eyebrows of these dogs, they are well populated and barely show the well-rounded eyes.
How long is a Puli?
The height at the withers or height of the Pulis ranges between 39 centimeters and 45 centimeters in males and ranges between 36 centimeters and 42 centimeters for females. The ideal heights are between 41 centimeters and 43 centimeters in the case of males and between 38 and 40 centimeters in females.
How much does a Puli weigh?
As for the weight of the Puli breed of dogs, it is between 13 kilograms and 15 kilograms in the male, while for the females it ranges between 10 and 13 kilograms. However, the ideal fart for this dog is between 12 Kilograms and 15 Kilograms.
Puli fur
The coat is the attribute that distinguishes the Hungarian Puli from other breeds. This breed takes several years to reach the length in the coat and the aspect of it that characterizes them. Their hair looks like cords or dreadlocks and they have an approximate length of between 3 centimeters and 6 centimeters in the area of the head and legs, and between 8 centimeters and 18 centimeters in the rest of the body.
Puli breed colors
The color, or rather, the most predominant color in this breed is black, secondly white, and less frequent are bone-colored Pulis or other colors. The colors that are not considered in the competitions are chocolate brown and those coats with mixed colors. The skin of these dogs is always dark in color, even though the specimen is light in color. There is a specimen within the Pulis, known as Maskos Fako. This specimen is rare and has a single dark color on the face, ears and tail.

Puli temperament
The Puli breed of dogs are extremely obedient and faithful, making them an excellent dog for a family. They are also dogs that love to play and are very energetic, agile and intelligent, so activity with people or other pets is usually positive. In this section we will describe and answer the question, What is the temperament of a Puli breed dog like? so we divided into how is his character and how is the behavior of a Puli.
How is the character of the Puli?
This breed of dog is characterized by its intelligence, vivacity and temperament. They are excellent guard dogs that are very attached to their master and the family with which they live. They are shy by nature which makes them quite suspicious of strangers. It is very important to work on the socialization of the animal at an early age because it is difficult for it to accept strangers. They are quite independent which makes it possible not to have to spend a lot of time exercising if the dog has ground to run around and play alone.
How does the Puli behave?
Regarding the behavior of this breed of dogs, the Puli usually get along well with other dogs and even with other pets, but their socialization is important since when a good job is not carried out in this aspect they can become very dominant, mainly males. Although they are single-master dogs, they get along well with everyone in the family, including children.
General care of the Puli breed
If good it is not a breed that demands a lot of care, what you have to pay attention to is the Puli hygiene and the care of their coat. Of all, clearly giving him a good diet is what is necessary so that he can develop correctly and take frequent walks so that his state of health is optimal. In this section we will detail some of the most important care for the Puli breed; such as its grooming and its coat, the recommended training and exercise and the health of this dog.
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Grooming and hygiene for the Puli
Los Pulis nacen con pelos cortos y rizados. La capa interior de este pelaje se va enredando con la superior que es más larga y enmarañada dando lugar a lo que posteriormente forman esas rastas o cordones tan característicos de esta raza. روليت اون لاين Estos pelos no se tratan con cepillos ni peines, se deberá acomodar los cordones con las manos para evitar que el pelaje se apelmace.
As for the amount of hair that an adult specimen loses, it is practically insignificant, that is why it is not necessary to brush it from the animal's year of age. كيفية لعب لعبة بينجو
The disadvantages that their fur usually presents are, mainly, that leaves, branches and rubbish tend to get stuck or hooked on it. It is recommended to give the animal warm water baths only in summer and only if it is really necessary since the fur of these dogs can take days to dry. As for the general care that must be paid attention periodically, it is to wash the area of the snout, the hair on the rump and the area of the belly. In addition, the eye and ear area must be washed frequently and with great care.
Its fur reaches its maximum length and final appearance between three and four years of age of the animal.
Coat care from Puli
When they are puppies they have tufted fur, it begins to change naturally when they grow up. The inner layer, which is thick, begins to mix with the outer layer, thus creating the famous "dreadlocks" or "strings" so particular to Puli.
This coat needs special care to keep it looking good. Dogs that participate in competitions tend to have thicker and longer fur than those that are used for work.
It requires its "strings" to be checked daily to avoid knots or other problems in the coat.
How to train or educate a Puli?
It is highly recommended to have the Pulis entertain themselves during training. Otherwise they will present a bit of stubbornness. If the training or education routines are the same every day and do not show variations, these dogs can show quite disobedience. Broadly speaking, they are intelligent dogs that understand commands quickly, but unlike many other dogs, they get bored more easily. The best practices in training are ball games and making them run around in wide places. Many trainers recommend for this breed the use of rewards to obtain very fast results.
The male Puli mainly tends to be a bit dominant and distrustful for that reason it is recommended to socialize it from an early age with as many people as possible and with other animals. Another point to consider taking into account its dominant profile is that when training it you have to have a firm and decided treatment with the dog if you want to obtain the results you want.
By nature, Pulis are somewhat shy, which is why it is also often recommended that despite the firmness in training, the affection for the animal and the early socialization mentioned above be taken into account.
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Exercise for a Puli
The activities or exercises that dogs of this breed enjoy the most are those that make them run or catch objects. They are dogs that need to burn energy but easily adapt to living in apartments or houses without much land. It is recommended that they entertain themselves and expend their energy for at least 40 minutes a day.
Recommended diet for Pulis
The most recommended for the health and coat of this breed is a diet rich in vitamins. Many owners usually accompany the diet with a vitamin complex so that their fur remains strong and voluminous. It is essential that you always have plenty of fresh water and quality dog food.
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How long does a Puli live?
The Puli is in very good health and this is demonstrated in its life expectancy, which ranges from 12 to 16 years, so it could be considered a long-lived breed of dog. However, it is important to give proper care to both this breed of dog and any other; such as good quality food, frequent exercise and visiting the vet at least once a year.
Health and possible diseases of Puli
As we mentioned earlier, they are dogs that are in good health. This breed does not usually have problems or characteristic diseases in particular, although hip dysplasia is something that can arise. Other complications that these dogs can have are degenerative myelopathy, some eye diseases and patellar luxation. So it is recommended to be able to avoid or catch a health problem in time, turn to an animal health specialist once a year.

Uses of Pulis
Pulis mainly excel at agility activities and catching objects on the fly.
Curiosities of the Puli breed of dogs
The creator of the social network Facebook and owner of WhatsApp and Instagram, has a 6-year-old Puli named Beast. This famous dog has social media accounts like many other dogs, however he has more than 2.5 million followers. He is quite a celebrity!