Ukrainian Shepherd

The Ukrainian Shepherd dog breed also known as the South Russian Shepherd or the South Russian Shepherd is a herding dog of immense size and of a strong and aggressive character; clearly this dog is not one of the dogs that are recommended to have as a pet, since due to its origins, in fact there are 3 theories. In this article we will tell you a little about this dog, from its history, the physical characteristics and temperament and the basic care for this huge breed of dog.

History and origin of the South Russian Shepherd

The Ukrainian shepherd has an unknown origin, so it is not known with exact certainty who his ancestors were; however it is known that they are descendants of wolves. Beyond this certainty, there are 3 theories about its origin.

Prehistoric theory

Una de las teorías menciona que los pre-eslavos poseían perros prehistóricos barbudos, su traducción en ruso era broudasti, (que antiguamente se usaban para vigilancia) y fueron descritos como perros “pastor ruso” o “lobos rusos asesinos” por L. Sabaneev, un investigador ruso. Los perros pastores barbudos de los eslavos o Pueblos del Este eran aproximadamente del IV milenio antes de Cristo. ألعاب لربح المال Luego esta raza se crió por los nobles rusos y en el año 1790 se desarrollaron por completo.

Spanish theory

Another theory mentions that both Slavs and European sheepdogs are descendants of the same ancestors, and they are also similar. This is because many long, shaggy sheepdogs, such as the Ukrainian Shepherd, were exported to Europe. In addition, a registry details the arrival of these dogs and several herds of merino sheep to Spain for the year 1797.

Russian theory

The latest theory mentions that these dogs were used as watchdogs for merino sheep flocks in southern Russia, hence one of their names. The sheep there had a herd instinct and it was not necessary to group them; therefore small sheepdogs were of little use in this place. But still, wolves, bears, and other large predators made clear the need for a strong, burly, large, and aggressive dog to protect them. This is how the South Russian Shepherd Dog does its job perfectly.

Es importante aclarar, que fuera del Sur de Rusia, este perro no tenía una gran popularidad, puede ser que esto haya sido por su necesidad de ejercicio constante y su fuerte carácter agresivo por su labor. Por un lapso de tiempo, a finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, la raza estuvo al borde de la extinción, pero gracias a la ayuda de distintos criadores aficionados logran restaurarla y queda fuera de peligro. ألعاب لربح المال En otro momento, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, nuevamente casi vuelve a desaparecer la raza, pero los criadores aficionados nuevamente salieron al rescate, esta vez con la ayuda del Hungarian Komondor.

Today the South Russian Shepherd is still little known and is considered a rare dog. It is clearly not a dog that can be tamed and treated as a pet because of its aggressiveness, nor does it stand out for dog shows; so there are few specimens that currently exist and only in some places on the planet.

Physical characteristics of the Ukrainian Shepherd

The breed of Ukrainian Shepherd dogs are dogs whose entire lives have been dedicated to work due to their temperament and aggressiveness. That is why the FCI classifies them within Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1: Sheepdogs. They are also considered a breed of giant-sized dogs, since they exceed 50 Kilograms.

Body of the Ukrainian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd has a strong and muscular complexion. He has heavy bones and a deep, wide chest. Its belly is presented in a collected way and its upper line is straight, compact and strong. They have a short, broad and rounded back. In its lower area, its legs can be defined as straight and with a good joint angle and oval feet. The tail is arched above the top line. It has a strong and high neck.

Head of the South Russian Shepherd

The stop of these shepherds can hardly be seen, they have triangular ears and quite small for the size of the animal that are left hanging. The eyes are oval and oblique in shape, they have a large nose and scissor-shaped teeth. The skull itself is elongated with a broad forehead and well marked cheeks.

Height and weight of the South Russian Shepherd

The male usually has a height of at least 65 centimeters, the most frequent being an oscillation between 75 centimeters and 90 centimeters. The female has a minimum height of 62 centimeters and can reach up to 80 centimeters. In reality, this breed of dogs does not have superior limitations in height, we only throw data on the generality of the height of the copies.

Regarding its weight, it ranges between 55 kilograms and 65 kilograms for females and between 60 kilograms and 75 kilograms for males.

Fur of the South Russian Shepherd

The coat of these shepherds is long and has a thick undercoat. The approximate length of the mantle is between 10 centimeters and 20 centimeters in length. It is thick and scrambled.

Colour of the Ukrainian Shepherd

The most frequent colors in this breed are white and gray. The eyes must be dark and although the nose is always sought to be black, it can be presented in other shades.

Pastor ucraniano parado en el campo

Temperament of the Ukrainian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd Dog are dogs with a lot of temperament, very energetic and determined. In this section we will detail how is the temperament of a South Russian Shepherd ?. On the one hand, the character of these enormous dogs will be described, and on the other, how they behave.

Character of the South Russian Shepherd

It is a dominant dog with a restrained and determined character. In addition, his vigilant instinct predominates, he has a lot of sensitivity and is very demanding of himself. It is a fairly independent, vigilant and brave dog. He is very intelligent and in general, despite being a bit stubborn when he wants to train him, he knows very well what he has to do. They are not dogs that bark too much and they have a fairly balanced temperament, they love to be outdoors whatever the time of year and they have a very great loyalty to their owners. They are dogs that suffer a lot when they have to face a change of home and suffer much more than the rest if they have to change their family.

Behavior of the South Russian Shepherd

Es muy importante la socialización en los Pastores Ucranianos o Pastores Rusos. Esto es principalmente para que acepte otros perros y mascotas que puedan llegar a convivir con el en el futuro. Si otros canes crecen con él no habrá problema en la convivencia y por lo general no es un perro que tenga un mal llevar con los gatos. Es más, cuando los toma como parte de la familia los protegerá como a los demás integrantes. Son perros que por naturaleza se llevan bien con los niños pero son muy reservados y tímidos con extraños. كيف تربح في لعبة الروليت Si los frecuenta bastante a menudo los reconocerá como parte de la familia también pero a aquellas personas que lleguen por primera vez al hogar, o que desconozca, seguramente les gruñirá o ladrará.

General care of the South Russian Shepherd

There is not much care that is needed to have a South Russian Shepherd, however it is important to take into account the essential care that the breed needs. That is why in this section we will detail a little about how to maintain the hygiene of these dogs, how to train and exercise them due to their firmness; and on the other hand the health and nutrition issues they need.

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South Russian Shepherd's Groom

With a weekly brushing is usually more than enough to keep the hair in optimal condition. In times of shedding it is recommended to double the number of brushings per week and even if you can do one or two more brushings, it will be better. Another practice recommended for shedding times is to give warm baths, these will help a lot with hair loss. Pay attention to the pads of the feet, a place where dirt usually accumulates and the area of the beard that is usually dirty with food.

Training of the South Russian Shepherd

You need to have a good temperament, firmness, tranquility and, above all, authority to show you who's boss. They are not easy dogs to train, but they are not the most complicated either. It is mainly necessary that there be mutual respect between the dog and the master or handler. It is not a recommended dog for people who are fickle or beginners in terms of keeping pets or dogs, since if it is not worked with dedication and it does not have adequate experience, the dominant personality of these shepherds will stand out.

It is not a dog that blindly obeys the orders that can be given. It is very important to socialize these dogs to prevent them from becoming shy and distrustful of other pets or even strangers who may come to go to the house.

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Exercise of the South Russian Shepherd

These dogs do not fit well in small environments, with a lack of terrain. They are dogs that will be more comfortable in houses or homes that have a large park to run around and play in it and enjoy the outdoors. As for the exercise of these dogs, they do not require much since they are usually quite independent and entertain themselves, with 30 minutes a week either going out for a walk or making them move with a game or a ball will be more than enough. They are dogs that tolerate cold very well but you have to be careful if the temperatures are high and be aware of them.

Feeding of the South Russian Shepherd

Although it is not a dog that can be had as a pet, the Ukrainian Shepherd must have a balanced diet. They need to eat at least 2 times a day to prevent indigestion. Dry food or quality dog food is the most recommended, since large dogs take longer to develop, and this will greatly favor their growth. In any case, it is important that the veterinarian mentions exactly what food to give, the diet to follow, the amount and the portions that the dog should eat. This will be done based on its size, weight, age and activity that the dog performs.

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Health and diseases of the South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd Dog is not known exactly what are the hereditary diseases that this breed can have, since it is a dog of little fame and few specimens to carry out these investigations. However, hip dysplasia is a common health problem for these dogs. It is recommended to take your dog approximately every 1 year for medical check-ups and to verify that he is in good health.

How long does a Ukrainian Shepherd live?

The life expectancy of the Ukrainian Shepherd is 13 years old, however some specimens can live a few more years. It is advisable to take precautions and give them basic care so that they can have a good quality of life. We also always recommend approaching the animal health specialist once a year to check how the dog is doing.

Uses of the South Russian Shepherd dog breed

Also known as the South Russian Shepherd Shepherd is considered an excellent guardian and family dog. It is ideal for those families who live on the outskirts of the city and have a wide area for the dog to run and get around in the open air. By nature he is not a dog that adapts to dog sports, but he will surely be a dog that protects his family and his home.

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