Neapolitan mastiff

Origin of the Neapolitan Mastiff

To understand the origin of the Neapolitan Mastiff we have to go back several years to the time of the Roman Empire. The Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of the Tibetan Mastiff, a very popular molosser in these times.

The word mastiff comes from Latin "Massivus" and it means "that it is massive" and if there is one thing that is certain it is that these dogs have lived with humans for many years. Although it is not possible to say with precision what is the origin and exact history of the mastiffs, it is known that at least they have been living with humans since 300 BC

There are two versions that circulate about the origin of this type of dog; The first dates back to the time of Alexander the Great. This story relates that the beginning of these types of dogs occurred in Asia and that in the expedition of Magno the Greeks adopted them. Later, the Greeks themselves were the ones who made these beautiful and enormous pets known to the Romans, who used them for combat shows in the beginning.

The second story narrates that the mastiffs come from the Phoenicians who were in charge of bringing this kind of dog to Britain in 500 BC. It was there that the population of this type of dog began throughout Europe.

Beyond all the supposed origins that the Mastiff may have, what can be assured is that the Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of the Tibetan Mastiff, a dog used both in war and in fighting against gladiators or other large animals such as bulls, bears and lions.

The place of origin of the Neapolitan Mastiff resides in the Salentina Peninsula but it is more closely identified with Naples and Campania because this breed was about to disappear in Europe due to wars and climatic problems and despite this in Naples the breeding of these dogs continued. It is estimated that this breed has been in Campania for more than two thousand years.

Character and personality of the breed

Mainly if you want to find a virtue in which it stands out and based on its history it would be a perfect fighting and guard dog. First because of its fierce appearance and its large size and secondly because of its strength and weight. In addition, due to their compact structure, they resist physical pain and have enormous courage.

Despite the above mentioned, if these dogs are trained and socialized correctly, they have a character that makes them ideal for family living since they are peaceful, balanced and are aware of their strength and size.

It remains to add that in general these mastiffs tend to be silent, they enjoy the company of children. As for living with other pets or other dogs, it must be borne in mind that by nature, despite enjoying the company, it is usually dominant.

Images of Neapolitan Mastiffs

Physical characteristics

Without a doubt we are talking about a race with an imposing physique, in which not only its strength stands out, but also its enormous head. The latter attracts enormous attention since, despite being short, it is large, with folds in the chin that are very characteristic. Its snout is square in shape and large, revealing a strong jaw. Its eyes are round, dark and small compared to the rest of the skull. Their ears are also small, triangle-shaped and drooping to both sides of the Neapolitan Mastiff's head.

Its massive, robust and powerful body is rectangular in shape, which means it is longer than it is tall (approximately 10%). Its chest is very broad, its limbs are long and thick. As for its tail, it is medium-long in size, being quite thick at the base and tapering towards the tip. In addition, it is usually always worn at a medium height.

This breed is classified as giant, since they have a minimum weight for females of 50 kg and for males of 60 kg. The maximum weight depends a lot on each specimen, but they often exceed 75 kg. Its height at the withers varies, in the case of females between 60 cm and 70 cm; and in the case of males it ranges between 65 cm and 78 cm.

Their fur is short but very dense, it is usually gray (in its different shades), although there are also brown, black or brindle specimens. It should also be clarified that it is rough to the touch and that small white spots are allowed on the legs or chest according to the breed standards. Finally, their life expectancy ranges between 8 and 10 years. Practically the usual in breeds of this size.

Health and possible diseases

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a breed that suffers from various diseases, some hereditary and others due to its large size. Below we summarize the main complications of the breed:

Hip dysplasia

The Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the breeds most prone to this problem.

It is developed in most cases by a hereditary malformation. When this problem appears, what happens is a displacement of the hip that tends to cause intense pain and lameness in the animal. Dogs that are affected by this disease tend to have difficulty performing common activities such as walking, running, jumping, climbing a ladder, and even lying down or sitting down. In more advanced cases or those that have not been treated, dysplasia can completely disable the animal.


Demodectic mange is one of the most common types of mange to occur in dogs. It is usually known more by the name of red mange due to the redness of the skin of the dog that suffers from it. The so-called canine demodicosis generally occurs locally, it does not attack all parts of the body but only some places.

Animals usually present with this disease, usually when they have immunosuppression problems.


La Cardiomiopatía dilatada (CMD) es una enfermedad muy frecuente en perros de gran tamaño. En dicha patología, la estructura muscular del corazón se debilita a causa de un estiramiento constante y esto deriva en la incapacidad de contraerse de forma adecuada. لعبة بلاك جاك اون لاين مجانا Como resultado final el corazón no puede bombear la cantidad de sangre requerida para oxigenar los tejidos del cuerpo de forma correspondiente. La oxigenación deficiente genera que muchos órganos no puedan funcionar de la forma correcta y en muchas ocasiones provoca lesiones que son irreversibles si no son tratadas rápidamente. Es común, como derivado de esta enfermedad observar que se producen acumulaciones de líquidos en el abdomen y alrededor de los pulmones. موقع مراهنات Cabe aclarar que se trata de una enfermedad silenciosa que avanza rápidamente en los perros de esta raza por lo que es muy importante conocer los síntomas para poder diagnosticarla a tiempo a pesar de su dificultad. arab casino Entre los principales síntomas que podemos encontrar tenemos: Dificultad para respirar, tos, pérdida de peso, debilidad, intolerancia al ejercicio, desmayos, hinchazón abdominal y episodios de síncope.

Elbow dysplasia

It is a joint disease that is caused by the poor development of bone tissue that at the beginning will produce arthritis or inflammation in your joints and over time this will transform into osteoarthritis.

Stomach twisting

The dog's stomach becomes excessively dilated, causing this organ to twist on its axis. The consequence of this is that the connections with the esophagus and the intestine are obstructed and the blood stream is affected, making it impossible to properly oxygen some organs and causing damage, sometimes irreversible and even causing the death of the animal if it is not treated. on time.


This is a problem in itself, and also causes or increases many other risk factors for the breed's health. We must monitor our dog's weight every month and try not to give it any treats or food for humans. Many times the attachment or their sympathy makes us want to "pamper them", but we must be aware of the problems that this could cause. In addition, this breed is prone to heat stroke, especially when they are overweight.  


This breed of dog eats on average one kilogram of food daily. Whether it be meat, feed or another type of food that is usually given to them.

The ideal and what experts usually recommend is that the food rations, in the early stages, be given in small quantities and with a frequency of up to four times a day. As the animal becomes an adult, it is recommended to increase the amount of food in each ration but decrease the frequency until reaching two daily rations.

If the dog is not fed with balanced food, it is important to control the food that is going to be given since they are prone to being overweight. It is recommended to give meats that do not have excess fat and avoid meals with flour.

Among the meats that are most recommended for this breed we have chicken, turkey and even fish such as tuna that are rich in protein. Many vets recommend mixing them with dog kibble or rice to cut costs and receive the correct nutrient mix.

Neapolitan Mastiffs are prone to gastric torsion so it is recommended that the animal does not exercise after eating, that it is not excited when eating food and in case of eating quickly make sure that the croquettes or pieces of food are More smalls.

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Recommended exercise

Exercise is important in dogs of this breed because they are prone to being overweight. Between an hour and an hour and a half a day would be the ideal time dedicated to exercise.

Mastiffs are generally large breeds with great strength that need open spaces to be able to move around and perform various types of ball games or that allow them to run from one place to another.

Although exercise is important, it must be borne in mind that when these dogs are small, they must take care of their joints.

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The Neapolitan Mastiff's coat is short and therefore requires little care for maintenance. With one brushing per week there is enough to maintain it. It is also recommended that they receive baths once every three months on average to prevent allergies or fungi from forming in the folds that form on the skin. These folds are what requires the most attention in terms of grooming in this breed and treating it once or twice a week will be more than enough.

The Mastiff of Naples is a dog that tends to drool a lot so it requires that you pay attention to it and clean it between two or three times a day.

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Below we offer the necessary products for the correct hygiene of your Neapolitan Mastiff. First of all, a soft brush, specially designed to avoid damaging the animal's skin, of excellent quality. Second, a canine toothbrush, very necessary for this breed that is prone to having oral problems if they do not use them. And third, a durable and durable oral cleaning toy, highly recommended by all buyers.

Images of Neapolitan Mastiffs puppies

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