Maintaining proper dental hygiene in our dogs not only improves the quality of life of our best friends, it also helps prevent diseases throughout the animal's life.
Undoubtedly, the dental hygiene of our pets is one of the factors that are least taken into account, in relation to the hygiene of the dog, by those people who live with dogs. Despite this, this is a very important factor for your overall well-being. Proper oral cleaning prevents, among other things, the appearance of bacterial plaque over the years, prevents bad breath also known as halitosis, also prevents gum pain and helps the dog to preserve all its teeth and not have pain or trouble eating when you get old.
La higiene dental deficiente puede incluso contribuir a que aparezcan enfermedades más graves en el can. Tratamientos de enfermedades en los riñones, corazón o hígado del can pueden verse afectados debido a que nuestra mascota presenta dificultades para comer sus alimentos. تنزيل لعبة الروليت Por eso es muy importante tener en cuenta la limpieza bucal y prevenir la aparición de este tipo de problemas a futuro.
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Oral cleaning according to the age of our dog
As in humans, the oral cleaning of our dog is not something that happens spontaneously. It is not a matter of cleaning the teeth of our best friend once every several months and with that it is enough to avoid any type of complication. You have to maintain a certain periodicity and brush or treat your dog's oral hygiene with relative frequency.
Although each stage of the life of our pets requires certain care, it must always be present. Since our best friend is a puppy until he reaches old age.
Before our puppies are one month old, they already have 28 teeth, the so-called milk teeth. The final teeth does not take long to arrive, since at eight months at the latest the dog has the 42 teeth that should accompany it until its old age.
What differences are there between the care of our dogs' teeth in the first years of life, their adulthood and their old age?
Si bien ya hemos mencionado que hay que cuidarlos en todo momento, antes de los 8 meses de edad no es imprescindible el tratamiento de estos. A partir de los 8 meses, cuando ya tiene las 42 piezas definitivas es correcto realizar con frecuencia cepillados y aplicar otros cuidados. Los cepillados, deberían ser de al menos una vez a la semana. Esto puede ser complementado con snacks que favorecen a la limpieza dental. Con un cepillado a la semana y dos snacks distribuidos en distintos días es más que suficiente para mantener una limpieza bucal ideal en nuestros perros. كازينو العرب 888 Esto aplica en perros cachorros y adultos. Cuando el perro llega a viejo, no es recomendable utilizar snacks limpiadores debido a que son bastante duros. Por eso se recomienda cepillarle los dientes dos veces a la semana en promedio.
Dog toothbrushes
There are several types of toothbrushes for dogs, according to our pet, some will adapt better than others. We have brushes of different sizes, different lengths of bristles and in the shape of a thimble or a stick.
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Toothpaste for dogs
El dentífrico canino o pasta dental para perros tiene la particularidad de que es comestible y no requiere de enjuague. La pasta de dientes tradicional de humanos puede generarle problemas estomacales o gástricos a nuestra mascota. بوكر حقيقي Además de generarle en muchos casos algún tipo de rechazo por su sabor. Hay pastas caninas que son con gusto a queso o carne y para las primeras limpiezas dentales son muy positivas para que el can se acostumbre al proceso de limpieza.
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Mouth spray or toothpaste spray for dogs
Mouth sprays are widely used in those cases in which the dog refuses to clean the mouth. It is also used when you do not have the time to clean the corresponding number of times. These dental sprays can be placed directly in the dog's mouth or they can be added to the water it drinks.
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Canine dental cleaning snacks
The dental cleaning snacks have the same function as the sprays. They are widely used when you do not have much time or the dog does not allow us to carry out the process. It is also often used as a complement to tooth brushing.
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How to brush my dog's teeth?
When brushing our pet's teeth, we must bear in mind that the brush must be passed on both sides of the dog's tooth. For this, a canine toothbrush and toothpaste are used that do not require rinsing and do not hurt, such as human toothpastes that can cause gastric problems. So far everything seems easy. The problem arises when our dog does not like this process very much.
In these cases, the ideal is that we go little by little with our pet and get him to get used to this. We need to be patient and know that it takes time for the dog to get used to it. We should never force it, it is preferable to postpone dental cleaning for later rather than force it. Using positive reinforcement works very well. Associating oral cleaning with something positive such as a treat, a toy or a oral cleaning snack or a walk can be wise decisions.
Another point to keep in mind is that when we brush our dog's teeth, the fangs and back molars of our dog are the ones that tend to accumulate the greatest amount of tartar. Therefore, if our dog is not very patient, let's say, it is advisable to start in that area to at least guarantee that it is the most prone to accumulate tartar and food debris.
Other tips when cleaning our dog's teeth
- Start by touching the area of the dog's muzzle, then move to its lips and begin to open its mouth little by little. So that you gain confidence in the process. This helps to tolerate and be more predisposed to brushing.
- If you still refuse to use the brush, a good technique is to roll your finger in a gauze or fine fabric. Let the dog see that it is our hand and begin to gently pass the gauze over his teeth. For a few seconds, to secure it.
- If you continue to reject the toothbrush but do not reject the gauze, it is a good option to start with gauze cleaning. We add toothpaste and after a few repetitions, try little by little with the brush.