
Complete guide to the Doberman Pinscher, one of the most popular and intelligent dog breeds in the world. In this article you will find everything you need to know about Dobermann. Its characteristics, the history of the breed, its temperament, uses, possible diseases, general care and much more.

History of the Doberman

The history of the Doberman is relatively short if we take as references other breeds such as the Irish Wolfhound, he Chow chow or the Rottweiller. Unlike these breeds that we have just named, which are all over a millennium old, the Doberman is a breed of dog that is barely more than a century old. This breed originates from the late nineteenth century and is named after the German Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. This subject, in order to create a breed of dogs that would suit his work as a tax collector, used several canine crosses among which are the Rottweiler, he Manchester Terrier and the Pinscher among others.

In its beginnings, the main objective that this race had was defense. In other words, these crosses were made to obtain a dog that serves to protect its master and creator from possible assaults. This, to tell the truth, gave good results if we consider its objective, since at present the Dobermann are considered one of the best watchdogs that exist. At the beginning the dogs of this breed were known as "Police Soldier Dogs" or Polizeilicher Soldatenhund. It was in 1900 when the name Dobermann was imposed in honor of its creator.

In 1860 the creation of the current Doberman began. It is said that they used Rottweilers Y Great danes for their strength and size, some greyhounds so that the result of an agile and fast dog and Manchester Terriers for its elegance and its fur. They were also used German pinscher, German shepherds, Weimaraner, Schnauzers, and some other races. The reality is that it is not known exactly which dogs have been used in the development of this breed and there are even many contradictions in what is said. What can be said for sure is that this breed is the result of at least seven crossbreeds of dogs. Perhaps science later can tell us more precisely which races participated.

Physical characteristics of the Doberman

The Doberman is a dog that according to the FCI classification corresponds to group 2, Pinscher and Schnauzer type dogs, Molossian and Swiss mountain and Cattle dogs. Section 1, Pinscher and Schnauzer. In turn, this breed according to size classification, corresponds to the group belonging to large breed dogs. Below we will detail the main physical characteristics of this beautiful German breed.

Doberman body

The Doberman dogs they are strong, slim and elegant. His back is relatively short, rigid and muscular, with a well marked withers. The rump is slightly rounded, not very short. In the countries where it is allowed, although it is not a recommended practice, they usually dock the tail by about 4 centimeters or 6 centimeters. The chest of these dogs is well proportioned and reaches the elbows; the sternum is marked and her belly is tucked up. The legs of the Doberman are straight with rounded bones, short, tight and arched feet and a lean muscular neck that flares out towards the chest.

Doberman pinscher

Head of the Doberman

Dobermanns have a long, lean head, with a fairly smooth skull and soft stop. The muzzle of these dogs is parallel to the upper part of the skull and their ears are of medium size that hang close to the head. Another action that is not recommended and is practiced in some countries is ear cropping. The eyes of these dogs are medium-sized, oval, with an intelligent and energetic expression. Denture always in the shape of a scissor.

How tall is a Doberman?

The ideal height or size of male and adult Dobermans is 70 centimeters. Likewise, the average height allowed by the breed standards should not be less than 68 centimeters or greater than 72 centimeters. In the female, the height ranges between 63 centimeters and 68 centimeters, considering 65 centimeters as the ideal size.

How much does a Doberman weigh?

The ideal weight of a Doberman dog is between 40 kilograms and 45 kilograms for adult males. In the case of adult females, the weight ranges between 32 kilograms and 35 kilograms.

Doberman coat and colors

The Dobermann's coat is short, thick and smooth. It is well attached to the body. Regarding the colors, in the member countries of the FCI, the Dobermann is only bred in black (that is, black and tan, since there is no single-colored specimen in this breed) and chestnut (brown and tan). Fire stains should be rust red. In other countries it is also possible to find blue and tan and Isabelo and toasted specimens. Also including the lighter shades of the colors we have mentioned.

Doberman temperament

To correctly define the temperament of the Doberman breed, we will explain it by treating two issues that make it up. On the one hand we will explain how the character of this breed is and on the other we will try to detail at a general level the behavior of these German dogs.

Character of the Doberman

Dobermans are generally very spirited dogs, alert and ready. In turn, they could also be defined as friendly, peaceful, affectionate and family dogs. Everything will depend on what level of socialization they have. Another characteristic of the character of these dogs is that they are very intelligent, a fact to keep in mind is that this breed occupies the fifth position in terms of the most intelligent dog breeds according to the ranking prepared by Stanley Coren.

They are dogs very close to their family and very loyal. They will defend it with great determination and courage if necessary. They are tenacious, courageous and have an impressive energy level. Sometimes they can be a bit noisy, but it is something solvable if taught well as puppies. They usually have a very large union with a single person in the family, the one that the dog considers and adopts as his master.

Behavior of the Doberman

As long as a Doberman has been raised well and is under a good socialization process, he can get along well with other dogs and with animals of other species. It is also an animal that, due to its family characteristics and great energy, will get along excellently with children. They do not easily admit strangers who enter their home given their status as a guardian and protective dog, but if their master tells them they will not present problems.

If they socialize at an early age with other animals and children, this animal will be affectionate and faithful to both. It is not the ideal dog for those masters or owners who do not have enough time to dedicate to it or are lacking in experience. This is mainly because a Doberman that has not had proper teaching and socialization can cause serious problems. And when we refer to the problems that a bad behavior of these dogs can cause, being large, strong and fast, we refer to great damage to the home or even hurting a human being.


General care for a Doberman

In this section we will mention all the care that must be supervised when keeping a Doberman dog as a pet. We will detail everything that must be taken into account regarding the feeding of this breed, the recommended exercise, its grooming, brushing and of course the training process and the importance of socialization in this breed.

Recommended exercise in Dobermans

This breed is built for speed and they have an unearthly abundance of energy. A daily walk is not enough. They like all kinds of exercise: swimming, running, playing with balls or accompanying their master when he bicycles, runs or walks. It is convenient to dedicate at least one hour a day to exercising the dog, although the ideal is 90 minutes. If this practice is carried out, it will be a calm dog inside the house.

Until the first year, the exercise should be made up of short and frequent sessions. It must be taken into account that excessive exercise can cause the animal problems in its joints. This breed is very active and they tend to enjoy swimming and jogging.

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How to train a Doberman?

Dobermans require very careful and thorough training, which must be developed in complete harmony. If you do not have much experience in training dogs, I would not recommend acquiring a copy of this breed. This is mainly due to the fact that when it is not raised properly the dog can become a bit neurotic (something that is unfortunately very common), making it fearful and irascible, even though its character is by nature frank and reliable. It takes a lot of experience to raise these dogs if we want to have a beautiful experience. Our behavior with the animal must be clear and honest. Never resort to physical punishment and always avoid feeling harassed. The best thing is that the trainer is calm and shows his authority. Learn the orders quickly and follow them to the letter. لعبة البلاك جاك

First steps of the Doberman

The big question from first-time Dobermans is: What are the first steps like? Do they adapt quickly to the home? How do I teach them to relieve themselves in the right place?

Well, let's answer them all. The first thing to keep in mind is that whether you obtain a recently weaned puppy or adopt an adult specimen, it will take time to adapt and it is impossible to know how much. But it will be much faster for the dog, if you and your family give love and patience. It is essential to avoid negative challenges, as these can influence the character and sensitivity of the animal.

Always try to make sure the orders are clear and, if possible, give them some kind of reward (a congratulation, a toy, a canine treat). As for how to teach him to relieve himself, we recommend using canine training towels, which are very useful and help our pet learn faster. We leave you the following note: canine training towels, in which we explain how they work step by step.

We also leave you here the review of the training towels, for those who think about purchasing them.

Recommended diet and diet for Dobermans

Feeding in the Doberman is very important because it is a dog that has a lot of energy and if it is in spaces where it can be easily developed, it will undoubtedly spend a lot of energy. So that we can give our Doberman the correct food, the first thing we have to bear in mind is that it will vary depending on his age.

The best option when creating a diet for these dogs is to select foods that do not contain additives. When it comes to giving them meats, it is highly recommended to offer them the following: chicken and lamb meat. Although you can give them beef, it must be taken into account that these cuts may contain fats that are bad in excess. In addition to this, beef has an antigen that causes complications in the dog's digestion and contains an excessive amount of protein. If this is not controlled, the dog can suffer complications caused by the ingestion of beef in the long term.

To avoid bloating and stomach problems, to which dogs of this breed are prone, it is recommended to increase the frequency of meals and reduce the volumes.

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Grooming and brushing of Dobermans

Doberman hair can be said to not require much maintenance and cleaning care. In general, dogs of this breed have practically no smell. Giving it a bath every one or two months is enough. It also helps significantly to control possible hair loss and eliminate debris that may become trapped in any of its extremities.

It is always important to brush the Doberman's coat on a weekly basis or it could even be done every fortnight since its coat is short. Use a soft bristle brush, this will minimize hair shedding during baths. The mitten tends to be used in order to give the hair luster. They are also used in shedding times to remove dead hair. Dog wash nozzles can be used to control water pressure and water temperature.

Swabs should never be inserted into the ear of the animal and always use dog shampoo since traditional shampoo tends to irritate the skin of Dobermans. The nails are always kept short and check that tartar does not form on the teeth.

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We recommend the following products for grooming the Doberman: a soft brush, which does not scratch the dog's skin, so we will not hurt it. It is of excellent quality and has excellent ratings from users who have already obtained it. Its tines are made of metal but are covered with rubber at the tip for greater security. Second, we offer you a glove or mitt that is used to remove dead hair after bathing and give the coat a shine. It is of great quality and is on offer at a very good price. Finally, we recommend a nail clipper, since as we clarified before, it is necessary to always keep the nails short. We offer you the best on the market, which is very easy to use and also comes with a safety measure that will prevent the nails from being cut too short, so the animal's health will not be harmed. It is also on sale, so its price is very accessible.

Possible diseases of the Doberman

In order to make the possible illnesses or physical problems to which Doberman dogs are prone more understandable, we have organized the content related to this topic in list form.

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a very common disease in large dogs, especially Dobermans, Great Danes and Boxers. In this pathology, the muscular structure of the heart weakens due to constant stretching and this leads to the inability to contract properly. As a final result, the heart cannot pump the amount of blood required to oxygenate the body's tissues accordingly. Poor oxygenation means that many organs cannot function properly and in many cases causes injuries that are irreversible if not treated quickly.

It is common, as a result of this disease, to observe that fluid accumulations occur in the abdomen and around the lungs. It should be noted that it is a silent disease that progresses rapidly in dogs of this breed, so it is very important to know the symptoms to be able to diagnose it in time despite its difficulty. Among the main symptoms that we can find we have: shortness of breath, cough, weight loss, weakness, exercise intolerance, fainting, abdominal swelling and episodes of syncope.

Wobbler syndrome

Wobbler Syndrome is another pathology to which the Doberman is prone. It is a cervical vertebral instability that causes chronic and severe degenerative disorders that affect the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. This causes excessive compression on the spinal cord and various nerves located in the neck. Again we have a disease that progresses silently and is usually difficult to diagnose due to the symptoms that it initially has, such as headaches and stiff neck. With the progression of the disease, more specific symptoms appear, for example staggering walking, short steps, loss of balance and difficulty moving.

Von Willebrand disease

La enfermedad de Von Willebrand acarrea problemas de coagulación debido a que se presenta un déficit de una proteína específica. Como consecuencia de la falta de esta proteína el animal puede presentar sangrados excesivos ante cualquier tipo de lesión. لعبة كريكت La enfermedad de Von Willebrand se clasifica en tres tipos diferentes dependiendo de los síntomas que se presenten. El Dóberman es propenso a desarrollar la EVW de tipo uno. Los síntomas que comprende son la cicatrización tardía de heridas, aparición de moretones con mucha facilidad, sangrado de encías y nasal. Esta es una enfermedad crónica que no tiene una cura pero que se puede tratar previniendo heridas y traumas para evitar complicaciones futuras y garantizar una buena calidad de vida a los perros que se vean afectada por ella.

Gastric tension or stomach twisting

When problems of gastric tension or stomach torsion occur, it happens that the dog's stomach dilates excessively and causes this organ to twist on its axis. The consequence of this is that the connections with the esophagus and the intestine are obstructed and the blood stream is affected, making it impossible to properly oxygen some organs and causing damage, sometimes irreversible and even causing the death of the animal if it is not treated. on time.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is developed in most cases by a hereditary malformation. When this problem appears, what happens is a displacement of the hip that tends to cause intense pain and lameness in the animal. Dogs that are affected by this disease tend to have difficulty performing common activities such as walking, running, jumping, climbing a ladder, and even lying down or sitting down. In more advanced cases or those that have not been treated, dysplasia can completely incapacitate the animal.

Uses of the Doberman breed

This breed is perfect for various canine sports such as catching objects in flight and agility trials. They also excel in hunting competitions. Do not start them too early, at an early age, or overdo exercise when they are puppies. They need a long time to mature and adjust before they start working "seriously." Well supervised they can excel mainly in tests of obedience, agility and catching objects in flight.

Myths about the Doberman breed

Below we will write up some myths that circulate in all parts of the world about the Doberman race. There are many stories and beliefs that are held about this breed, which the only thing they achieve is that they are feared or cared for when it really does not correspond. We will name two of which we believe to be the most significant and detrimental to the breed:

«Dobermans lose their sense of smell and go crazy as adults«

FALSE. A deeply ingrained myth of popular imagination is that Dobermans lose their sense of smell as adults. It is then that they go crazy and due to this condition of "anosmia" (this is how the loss of smell is called), they do not know their owners and attack, injure or kill them in the worst case.

There is nothing more ridiculous, ill-founded, or completely improbable. Anosmia or "hyposmia", the latter is the reduction of smell, is very rare in the dog, perhaps it is due to the self-protection of the species, but it does not occur normally. In fact, there are experts and professionals with more than 40 years who have not even come across such a case. I comment on this to give you an idea of how difficult it is to find a specimen with this anomaly. But beyond this, even if any animal suffered from it, this would not mean ignoring its affections or ignoring its environment. Much less attack it.

"Dobermans have their brains growing faster than their skulls and that pressure drives them crazy"

FALSE. Another myth about Doberman dogs is that their brains grow faster than the skull that contains it. This causes pressure to be exerted from the bony part towards the brain and therefore ends up causing the Dobermans to go crazy, ignore and attack their own family. It is yet another myth. And broad telling them that it is biologically impossible.

Both myths have something in common that is linked to our culture: guilt. It is necessary to find a culprit and it can never be the man. Let's make the dog guilty, who will not be able to defend himself. Based on the movie Children of Brazil, where Nazi-trained Dobermann dogs kill the order and also perhaps because of the devilish appearance they have thanks to their mutilated ears, the myth fed and made an impressively noble and faithful dog like few others. , lose popularity based on inventions or neighborhood gossip and inconsistent claims.

19 thoughts on “Dóberman”

    • Thank you very much Solange. We are just starting and there is still a lot of content but your words give us strength to continue.

        • Eugenia. Many thanks!!! It is a great compliment for us that they comment on things like this. We will work to improve our grades every day. Thanks for visiting us!

  1. Spectacular. I don't think it is missing a single detail. My sincere congratulations. This race until you have it ... You don't really know it.

    • Thank you very much Antonio !!! We are glad that you liked it, you can read our other notes, we talk about many breeds!

  2. Good article but it should also indicate the reasons for those pathologies that are associated with the breed, such as dilated cardiomyopathy. Excessive consanguinity, due to misuse of reproductive specimens that already carried this disease, which are acquired in recognized breeders. prestige and experience etc etc…. The Dobermann is a very large dog that is currently not in its best moment of health, but avoiding purchases and unknowing crosses will make these problems soften a bit. Thank you

    • Thank you very much Jose for your advice, we are working to create a health section where we will explain even more in detail why the diseases of each race. Luck!

  3. Very good, I just adopted a 4-year-old doberman who suffered abuse and is super fearful but little by little he is improving and he is already playing and all thanks to this I was able to learn more about him🤗

    • Thank you very much for reading us and for having such a big heart Oriana !! Hopefully it will be your faithful companion for many years! Take good care of him

  4. Very useful, in a few days they give me my female doberman baby, the first time I have one of this breed and the truth is this article cleared many doubts. Thank you!!!!


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