
History of the Dachshund:

This very particular breed arises in Germany and there are reports of them from the Middle Ages. Even so, some historians claim that similar dogs are recorded in Ancient Egypt. Its name is made up of two words, since “dach” means badger and “hund” means to hunt. But it is not only known as a Badger Dog, it is also called a Sausage Dog, Dachshund or Bassotto.

It is believed that crosses were made with breeds of hounds such as the Basset, in order to obtain an animal that allows them to hunt underground. Its main function was to hunt both badgers and other animals that live in burrows such as rabbits. In 1873 it was officially recognized as a breed and in 1888 the first official Dachshund club emerged, called "Deutsche Teckelklub." Its peculiar shape made it popular, especially among European monarchies, a trend that was consolidated when Queen Victoria (United Kingdom) got your copy. قمار الخيل  

There are 2 varieties that are standard and miniature, but we also find 3 different types of coat: soft, hard and long. We will explain these differences later, but it should be noted that the soft-haired Dachshund was the first to emerge in time and then the other varieties were added. 

Although in some European countries it is still used for hunting, the most common today is to find it as a pet, in fact it is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. There is no doubt that it is one of the most popular dogs in the world, not only because of its particular shape but also because it has great qualities. 

Dachshund Character: 

It is a very friendly and fun breed that always wants to play and have fun with its family. It is a very tenacious and brave dog despite its size, it is also a great lookout who is suspicious of strangers so it will immediately warn when someone it does not know approaches its home. لعبة الدمبلة   

His hunting instinct is highly developed, so he often has problems with other pets, especially small ones. They are also known for pursuing birds and tennis balls with great determination. Some characteristics are more established in its different varieties, for example, the long-haired dachshund is the calmest of all. At the same time, the one with wire hair is the most "clown" and the one with short hair is the most stubborn.

They do not respond well to traditional training, which is why many people call them difficult to train. But excellent results are obtained with positive training (with prizes), so do not hesitate to use this option if you want your dog to obey you. As for children in the home, the Dachshund usually gets along with them as long as they do not harm him in games. If our little ones are rude in their ways, the dog will probably bite it to show its dissatisfaction. Therefore, you have to make sure you are present in the moments you spend together.

As negative points we have to point out that they love to dig, so your garden will surely end up with enough wells, and in some cases, it can bark excessively, which is also annoying. 

Physical characteristics:

The first thing that stands out is his particular figure, short but elongated, which gave him the name of Dachshund, but ... Why do Dachshunds have that shape? 

It is due to "Bassetism" or Canine Achondroplasia, a genetic mutation that gives short limbs in relation to the rest of the individual's body. In the Health section we will inform more about this anomaly.

Returning to its physical characteristics, we must say that its head is elongated, but its snout should not end in point. Their eyes are of medium size, oval in shape and slightly separated from each other. His ears are long and drooping; its tail is long and set medium-high, in most of the specimens it usually ends with a slight curvature. It clearly presents a rectangular shape, being much longer than it is tall. 

Their coat can be in 3 different ways: short (the most popular, as its name indicates, the coat is short and thick), hard (the outer layer of the hair mixes with an inner one, this causes "wire hair") , or long-haired (it has long hair below the neck and on the lower part of the dog). In turn, in all cases there may be 3 different types of colors: Unicolor (between shades of red to yellow), Bicolor (brown or black with “reddish rust” spots) or spotted (brindle, the main color always it must be dark).

Su peso puede variar entre los 6 kg y los 9 kg para la versión estándar de la raza. En cuanto a los Teckel miniatura pueden pesar entre los 3 y los 4 kilogramos. مواقع المراهنات  En el caso particular de esta raza, no se mide su altura sino su circunferencia torácica la cual debe ser mayor a los 35 cml para la variedad estándar. En el caso de los Perros Salchicha miniatura, debe ser de entre 30 cm y 35 cm para cumplir con los requisitos de la raza. 

Their life expectancy ranges between 12 and 15 years, although cases of specimens that reached 17 years have been registered. Without a doubt it is one of the longest-lived breeds that exists. 

Photos of Dachshund:


Spine problems: 

It is known that this is the biggest problem of the breed, due to its particular shape it has a too long spine. To avoid problems, it is best not to make them go up or down stairs, and not overfeed, since an obese Dachshund will be very prone to contracting these diseases. It is also necessary to take him out for a run daily, or have a good park at home where he can do it, this will help a lot to maintain his health.

Canine achondroplasia:

It is a bone condition that does not allow the bones to grow to the desired size, therefore the extremities of dogs are excessively short for their body size. It is a hereditary disease that particularly affects some breeds such as: Welsh Corgi, Skye Terrier, Dachshund and all of the Basset group in general, for this reason this condition is also known as “Bassetism”.

Among the main symptoms we find: Short legs, elongated head, crooked teeth, arched legs and underdeveloped spine. It is necessary to take it to the vet who will tell you if it is necessary to carry out any type of treatment, since that will depend on the severity of each case. Some specimens lead completely normal and long lives, while others require anti-inflammatories and / or surgery. 

Patellar luxation: 

Also known as a patella luxation, it occurs when the patella slips out of place. It is usually a hereditary disease, although it is not always the case, it is not serious anyway, but it does cause a lot of pain. It can be a medial dislocation (more common) or a lateral dislocation (rare).

It is very likely that the dog requires a surgical intervention to solve this problem.


These are seizures caused by a neurological disorder. It is important that your veterinarian can analyze it to know why these seizures are caused. 


It is an eye disease, which pathologically increases intraocular pressure.


Low production of thyroid hormone that ends up affecting the Dachshund's mood. It also has a considerable weight gain and constant need to be in warm places. It is a disease that can be easily controlled but for this it must be identified.

Progressive retinal atrophy:

It is a hereditary disease that usually occurs in many breeds of dogs. This disease has different forms of presenting itself and usually occurs when the dog is an adult. It is a degenerative disease and unfortunately it can be treated but has no cure.

Recommended exercise for the Dachshund:

They require a moderate amount of exercise, so 1 or 2 daily walks are enough to satisfy their needs. They adapt quite well to small houses or flats, but in these cases two things must be taken into account: they bark a lot (at least they are educated from a young age) and they need to go out for a run at least once a day. 

You also have to take into account that several specimens of the breed are burrowers, so it can cause problems in the garden. 

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Dachshund feeding:

Your Dachshund's diet is essential for its health, since being overweight will immediately deteriorate its spine, causing multiple problems. For this reason, it is necessary that you never give him more feed than your veterinarian recommends. The food must be of the best possible quality, rich in protein and minerals.

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Grooming does not usually take a lot of work, especially the short-haired variety whose brushing must be weekly. On the contrary, the long-haired Dachshund will require between 3 and 4 brushings per week, since it tends to tangle its coat.

Your teeth, eyes and ears need to be checked occasionally to clean dirt and keep them in perfect condition. 

Find the best kennels for dogs, here.

The best offers in dog beds, here.

More images of the Dachshund:

14 thoughts on “Dachshund”

  1. I love very complete I have 2 salchis I am from Paraguay and I always find out more and more about this breed that makes me fall in love ...!

  2. good evening, very good all the report.
    I died laughing in the part that they bark a lot, and if it's true
    my coquito does it frequently when he hears strange noises or someone enters the house


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